• Русский (RU)
  • Қазақша (KZ)

Along with other subsidiaries of "National Medical Holding"JSC , "Republican Diagnostic Center"JSC  has been working to educate their experts on the basis of the world's leading clinics within 031 Republican budget program "Implementation of international standards in the field of hospital management in the subcomponent" The introduction of advanced diagnostic methods , treatment and prevention. "

In this perspective, the Department of Education and innovative technologies have established close cooperation with the Lithuanian University of Health clinics, clinic Vivantes and Charité (Germany); g.Grats University Hospital (Austria); Voting center Jason (Korea); Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Immunology, Minsk, Belarus; Karolinska University Laboratories, Stockholm, Sweden; St. Petersburg State Medical University. IP Pavlova, Russia), etc.

The program 45 middle and medical health personnel were trained in priority clinical areas such as laboratory diagnostics, radiation and radioisotope diagnosis, family medicine, urology, associated with the introduction of innovative diagnostic and therapeutic technologies.

In addition, each year under this program the mentoring services of foreign experts are provided on the basis of "RDC"JSC. This form of training, undoubtedly contributes to the improvement of professional level, the acquisition of both the professional and experience with colleagues, enhancing corporate culture and, ultimately, improve performance and service quality. More than 20 mentors from countries CIS and foreign countries were involved in the "RDC" JSC for the past 3 years.


               nmh           nrcmc           rdrc           rncn           rncnmp           nncc